
Choose our company for all your SITE PREPARATION SERVICES in Bryan, TX & Beyond

Have you decided to construct your next home from the ground up? Perhaps you’re preparing a site for commercial construction. In either case, you’ve certainly come to the right place. After all, before you begin to build your dream space, you have to make sure the land is ready for it – and here at Kelly Burt Dozer Inc, that’s exactly what we do. 

At Kelly Burt Dozer Inc, we are proud to offer a full slate of prompt and reliable commercial site work and residential site work to clients throughout Bryan, College Station, Navasota, Anderson, Somerville, Franklin, Millican, Brenham, Hempstead, Caldwell, Normangee, Madisonville, Pinehurst, Hearne, Calvert, Wellborn, TX, and the surrounding areas of the Brazos Valley. When it comes to moving earth, nobody does it better than our skilled excavating contractors. Be sure to take a look at the following list to learn more about our wide selection of site preparation services. Our team has been extensively trained to operate the most advanced machinery on the market to help our clients make short work of even the most rugged terrain. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment!

Why is Site Preparation Important?

Site preparation is the first step to starting a construction process. It’s a crucial component for any successful build. Our contractors have years of experience with site preparation around the Bryan, College Station, Navasota, Anderson, Somerville, Franklin, and Millican, TX areas. Check out the following section to see why site preparation is so important.

Remove Obstructions

Clearing out old buildings and structures will allow you to see the entire size of the land you're building on. This will ensure that your new build will fit properly on the property. It will also make the job easier, as you won’t have to navigate around obstructing structures. It’s important for you and your team to easily access the site to properly start your build.

Damage Reduction

Proper site preparation will ensure that the foundation is ready for the new construction. Hiring a contractor who is experienced with land clearing and finish grading will prevent any future foundation damage.

Increase Lifespan

Site preparation will ensure that the land is properly stabilized for the new project. Without it, the new structure may not last as long. An experienced contractor will provide quality residential site work to ensure the foundation is ready for the new home construction.

Call An Experienced Excavating Contractor Today!

At Kelly Burt Dozer Inc, we provide our services at some of the most competitive rates on the market. We take great pride in serving the Brazos Valley, and we constantly go out of our way to exceed the expectations of our local community members. No matter what the size and scope of your upcoming project, don’t hesitate to speak to our excavating contractor.


Our team takes a client-first approach to business, and we can tailor any service to suit your precise needs. From land clearing to prepare the ground for construction, to gravel material hauling, and finish grading services, be sure to contact Kelly Burt Dozer Inc today! We’ll work with you every step of the way!

Backhoe Loader on Construction Site | Sand & Gravel Materials | Kelly Burt Dozer | Somerville, TX
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